Files List
You can list all files and folders under the datalib directory on the Files page. All columns in the Files table can be filtered, pinned, hidden, and searched.
Searching Files
It is also possible to perform a general search within the entire table and you can use the wildcard (*) character in these searches. Searches without wildcard characters will be searched anywhere.
Navigating Folders
File names that appear in bold in the table indicate directories and those that are not in bold indicate files. When you click on the directories, the files and directories in that directory will be listed. You can navigate between directories using the breadcrumbs section above the table.
Copying Files
If you select a file and click the Copy button, you can copy the file with a new name and file path.
Viewing and Editing File Records
When you click on the file, if the file is a dataset file, you will see a new table listing the records in the file. You can edit the records in this table, add a new record, duplicate the record, or delete the record. You can also delete multiple records together. All these actions will be effective automatically. If you select a record and click the Add button, a new empty line will be added right below it and you can press the edit button on this line, add whatever you want to the new line, and save it.
After clicking the edit button for the row, you can make the changes you want and then press the Cancel button to undo your changes or save your changes by clicking the Save button.
Additionally, if you press the down arrow next to a record, you can see the high and low hex values for the record and edit them as well. If a character is non printable in the record it will be seen as a dot(.) character, you can edit the hex values to make any changes needed for these characters.
Searching File Records
You can search within the records by clicking the general search button above the table. Similar to the Files table, you can use wildcard(*) character in searches. Searches without wildcard characters will be searched anywhere.. There are also two different search methods;
Search within a range of columns
To do this, you need to use the following format
'Text to be search' :starting_column_number :ending_column_number
Search after a column number
To do this, you need to use the following format:
'Text to be search' :starting_column_number
Viewing Other File Types
If the file is not a data set file, file content will be displayed in a free text editor and you can save it after making the changes you want. All the files can also be downloaded using the Download File button.