Elastic COBOL supports a number of compile-time options and runtime-options. Runtime options affect the behavior of a program while it is running, either in a stand-alone (command-line) environment, under control of the Elastic Batch Platform (batch) environment, or within the Elastic Transaction Platform (online) environment. Other configurations and settings also affect the operation of programs. Different file protocols affect the way COBOL files are stored and accessed and SQL properties affect database interactions. Also, when calling subprograms other than those written in COBOL or Java calling convention settings may be required.
Compile-time options are those passed to the ecobol command invokes the compiler from a command-line environment. It accepts the same options that may be set in the Elastic COBOL Eclipse IDE under COBOL Compiler Settings. Compiler directives can be set on the compiler command line, in the Additional Parameters field of the COBOL Compile Settings for the project or within the program itself with the "$SET DIRECTIVE" or "$SET PGM-DIRECTIVE" statements ('$' in column 7 on fixed-format source files). Run-time option name can be specified with a value as environment variables set before the program starts, as a Java property (-Dname=value in a VM argument to the Java command), as command-line options (name=value after the class name) or set programmatically with the SET CONFIGURATION COBOL statement. Run-time options may also be compiled into the generated Java program with the "-run name=value" compiler directive, the "$SET RUNTIME 'name=value'" statement or $SET DIRECTIVE '-run name=value'" statement.
A variation of "$SET DIRECTIVE" is "$SET PGM-DIRECTIVE myprog.cbl directive". This is best used in an ecobol.dir file as an alternative to inserting directives into the application source. In this case, the "directive" is only applied to "myprog.cbl" - it will not be applied to any other source files.
See EBP Configuration options or ETP Configuration options for information on runtime options of those systems.
Elastic COBOL Compiler Options
The compiler options are available by typing:
ecobol -?
The ecobol.exe compiler executable and its support files (etrans.jar, ecobol.jar, ECERR.txt) are distributed with the Elastic COBOL IDE. They are contained in the Eclipse installation directory in the following subdirectories
You may copy all of these files to another location, such as your home directory's "bin" directory (xx.yy.zz is the ECOBOL version) or create symbolic links on Linux in a well -known directory to them:
- ./com.heirloomcomputing.ecd.core_xx.yy.zz/elastic_cobol/bin/win64/x86_64/ecobol.exe or
- ./com.heirloomcomputing.ecd.core_xx.yy.zz/elastic_cobol/bin/linux/x86_64/ecobol
- ./com.heirloomcomputing.ecd.core_xx.yy.zz/elastic_cobol/etrans.jar
- ./com.heirloomcomputing.ecd.core_xx.yy.zz/elastic_cobol/ecobol.jar
- ./com.heirloomcomputing.ecd.core_xx.yy.zz/elastic_cobol/ECERR.txt
Elastic COBOL uses runtime Gnu C and C++ libraries that should already be installed on your system. If you experience errors (e.g., "Missing GLIB 2.14") you need to install these dependent libraries before running. On Linux, install with these commands
sudo yum install libglib2.0-0 libstdc++
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0 libstdc++
Option |
Description/Option Value |
-? |
Help on Elastic COBOL Options |
-help |
Help on Elastic COBOL Options |
-help:old |
Help on Elastic COBOL Deprecated Options |
-help:acu |
Help on Elastic COBOL Acu-Style Options |
-h |
Help on Elastic COBOL Simple-Style Options |
-cc |
Transpile COBOL to Java |
-ccj |
Transpile COBOL to Java, then compile Java to class files (default) |
-ccjx |
Transpile COBOL to Java, then compile Java to class files, then execute the main class |
-dt n |
Data type compatibility with various environments (n: 0=EC, 2=Acu, 4=MPE, 5=MF, 6=RM, 7=IBMA, 8=IBME) IBMA = IBM ASCII (e.g., IBM Power Series, AIX) IBME = IBM EBCDIC (e.g., IBM Z, z/OS) |
-dt:ec |
Datatype Compatible with Elastic COBOL (default) |
-dt:ibma |
Datatype Compatible with IBM ASCII |
-dt:ibm -dt:ibme |
Datatype and file storage Compatible with IBM Enterprise COBOL ("native EBCDIC" mode) |
-dt:mf |
Datatype Compatible with Micro Focus |
-dt:acu |
Datatype Compatible with AcuCOBOL |
-dt:mpe |
Datatype Compatible with HP MPE/iX COBOL-II |
-dt:rm |
Datatype Compatible with Liant RM/COBOL 7 |
-dt:bin |
-dt:truncbin |
BINARY byte truncation rather than PIC truncation |
-dt:compbin |
-dt:aix |
Datatypes Compatible with IBM AIX |
-dt:os2 |
Datatypes Compatible with IBM OS/2 |
-dt:apost |
Use ' for QUOTE(S) and ALL QUOTE(S) |
-dt:quote -dt:q |
Use " for QUOTE(S) and ALL QUOTE(S) |
-source:auto |
Auto-detect source format (default) |
-source:free |
Free-form source code |
-source:fixed |
Fixed-form source code |
-source:variable |
Variable-form source code |
-source:utf8 |
UTF-8 encoding |
-source:copypath pathname |
Set COPY library path to parameter pathname |
-source:CBLasCPY |
Allow .CBL(.cbl) file extension for copybooks (default) |
-source:noCBLasCPY |
Don't allow .CBL(.cbl) files as copybooks |
-source:suppress name |
Suppress parameter name from being reserved word |
-source:ignore name |
Ignore parameter name as a reserved word |
-source:wordlist filename |
File filename contains reserved word suppress list |
-source:ansikey |
Use only ANSI keywords |
-source:basednumeric |
Based Literals are Numeric (Hex,Decimal,Octal,Binary) |
-source:hp |
Prefer HP semantics when in conflict. |
-source:path pathname |
Add parameter to front of PATH |
-source:tabsize |
Set tab size in spaces |
-source:pause |
Pause after compilation |
-source:dbcs |
Activate SHIFT-IN/SHIFT-OUT DBCS 0x0e, 0x0f |
-source:dbcsso char |
Activate parameter char as DBCS SHIFT-OUT |
-source:dbcssi char |
Activate parameter char as DBCS SHIFT-IN |
-source:obsx |
Flag Syntax Obsolete in COBOL 2002 or X/Open |
-source:archaic |
Flag Syntax Archaic in COBOL 2002 |
-source:assignenv |
ASSIGN TO name is environment, not variable |
-source:assignvar |
ASSIGN TO name is variable, not environment |
-source:errorifbom |
Force error on non-ASCII characters |
-out:ecoboldir pathname |
pathname to directory containing ecobol.dir |
-out:java |
Generate .java files from COBOL source, but do not generate .class files afterwards |
-out:javaversion n |
Compile COBOL to specified Java version and use javac -source 1.n and -target 1.n options (also see -script:javac option) |
-out:class |
Compile COBOL to .java, then executable .class (default) |
-out:execute |
Compile COBOL to .java, .class, then execute |
-out:cobolinjava |
Include COBOL statements in .java |
-out:nocobolinjava |
Do not include COBOL statements in .java (default) |
-out:manyfields |
Each 01 level in own constructor in .java |
-out:movenumericspaceiszero |
Spaces in an alphanumeric field are treated as zero when moved to a numeric field |
-out:name name |
Use parameter as name for applet/application |
-out:subprogram |
Designate as subprogram |
-out:package name |
Use parameter as generate Java package name causing Java output to contain the package statement and be placed in a corresponding directory hierarchy |
-out:html |
Generate template HTML file |
-out:nohtml |
Do not generate template HTML file |
-out:bean |
Create CobolBean interface |
-out:servlet |
Create Servlet interface |
-out:nobean |
Do not create CobolBean interface |
-out:nothreadlock |
Disable ThreadQueue suspension |
-out:dir dirname |
Set output directory to parameter |
-out:omapdir dirname |
Set output directory of .omap files used by Eclipse Elastic COBOL IDE to parameter |
-out:japplet |
Inherit from JApplet by default |
-out:applet |
Inherit from Applet by default |
-out:suppress |
Suppress generated output (check only) |
-out:filter n |
Set output filter (n: 0=native, 1=EBC-to-ASC, 2=ASC-to-EBC, 3=breakup large classes) |
-out:noarrayprops |
No Array GET|SET Properties |
-out:assert |
Enable ASSERT functionality |
-out:staticinvoke |
Statically bind OO invokes where possible |
-out:notransient |
Do not produce transient modifiers |
-out:smap |
Generate .smap file |
-out:nopretty |
Do not create pretty java code |
-out:transaction |
Allow EXEC TRANSACTION capabilities |
-out:importjava name |
Generate a Java import statement with the given parameter class specification (e.g., javax.servlet.*). |
-out:indexcheck -out:ssr |
Protect against table index out of bounds (default) |
-out:noindexcheck -out:nossr |
Do NOT protect against table index out of bounds |
-out:indexsize |
Set INDEX byte size to param |
-out:cicsmsg |
Set transaction message level |
-out:transactionmsg |
Set transaction message level |
-out:odoslide |
Generate OCCURS arrays exactly the size specifies in the DEPENDING ON variable within enclosing groups |
-out:noodoslide |
Generate OCCURS arrays such that they allocate the maximum size within enclosing groups (default) |
-out:usesourceodosize |
Moves between Groups containing OCCUR DEPENDING ON VAR use the source VAR size. Note that -dt:ibma and -dt:odoslide should be used for this directive to be effective |
-out:translate |
Generate shorter Java names for groups and elements, do not generate shared string constants, implies -out:cobolinjava |
-out:linkage |
DFHEIBLK and DFHCOMMAREA variables creation (NO or YES 'default') |
-out:mergeduplicateconditions |
Merge the values of duplicate Level 88 conditions into a single condition |
-out:nomergeduplicateconditions |
Generate an "ambiguous identifier" error when duplicate Level 88 condition names are referenced (default) |
-out:[no]converthex |
Convert the value of hex strings "in the wild" from EBCDIC to ASCII. |
-err:file filename |
Set error filename to parameter |
-err:limitwarnings n |
Limit unique Warning and Information messages to n. n = 0 unlimited |
-err:none |
No error output |
-err:stdout |
Send errors to stdout |
-err:stderr |
Send errors to stderr |
-err:max n |
Set maximum reported errors to parameter |
-err:level |
Minimum error Level (0=All, 1=Warning, 2=Error) |
-err:pedantic |
Pedantic error messages |
-err:optinfo |
Generate informational messages for optimizations |
-err:nooptinfo |
Do not generate informational messages for optimizations (default) |
-script:execute |
Execute scriptfile upon completion |
-script:append parameter |
Append parameter to end of scriptfile |
-script:format |
Format each line of scriptfile according to parameter |
-script:javac javaccommand |
Use parameter as Java Compiler string |
-script:java javacommand |
Use parameter as Java Runtime string |
-run:defaultbyte |
Fill initial memory with byte number or 'space' |
-run no_pageline=ddname1,ddname2,....... -run no_pageline |
Specified files(ddnames) will not increment a line when a page advance is invoked on the file Not specifying ddnames will imply the same for all output files |
-run:noprogressbar |
Do not generate runtime progress bar during download |
-run:nocheckversion |
Do not generate runtime code to verify Java version |
-run:performrecurse |
Use MF style perform |
-run:noperformrecurse |
Use ANSI style perform |
-run:novisiblecallfail |
Disable Visible Call Failure |
-run:console |
ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements (without an explicit UPON clause) default to CONSOLE ( graphical user interface window or ASCII terminal) rather than SYSIN/SYSOUT (standard in / standard out). The default is -run:system |
-run:system |
ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements (without an explicit UPON clause) default to SYSIN/SYSOUT (standard in / standard out) rather than |
-run:visiblecallfail |
Enable Visible Call Failure |
-run:dynvisiblecallfail |
Allow runtime to enable/disable Visible Call Failure |
-run:novisibleopenfail |
Disable Visible Open Failure |
-run:visibleopenfail |
Enable Visible Open Failure |
-run:dynvisibleopenfail |
Allow runtime to enable/disable Visible Open Failure |
-run:redefinesinfo |
Preserve REDEFINES info at runtime for Datatype |
-run:trace |
Produce tracing messages for PARAGRAPH/SECTION, CALL, GOTO, PERFORM, FILE I/O operations & SQL I/O operations |
-run:tracecall |
Produce tracing messages for each CALL. |
-run:tracegoto |
Product tracing messages for each GOTO. |
-run:traceio |
Produce tracing messages for each FILE I/O operation. |
-run:tracepara |
Produce tracing messages for each PARAGRAPH/SECTION. |
-run:traceperf |
Produce tracing messages for each PERFORM. |
-run:tracesql |
Produce tracing messages for each SQL I/O operation. |
-run:tracestack |
Produce a COBOL stack trace if exception occurs. |
-run:tracefullsrcpath |
Emit full source path for program source location in trace output (not default). |
-run:notrace |
Turn off all tracing messages. |
-run:notracecall |
Turn off tracing messages for each CALL. |
-run:notracegoto |
Turn off tracing messages for each GOTO. |
-run:notraceio |
Turn off tracing messages for each FILE I/O operation. |
-run:notracepara |
Turn off tracing messages for each PARAGRAPH/SECTION. |
-run:notraceperf |
Turn off tracing messages for each PERFORM. |
-run:notracesql |
Turn off tracing messages for each SQL I/O operation. |
-run:wdm |
Enable WITH DEBUGGING MODE, allowing lines with 'D' in the indicator column to be executed. |
-run:nowdm |
Disable WITH DEBUGGING MODE, preventing lines with 'D' in the indicator column to be executed. |
-run name=value |
Generate code that sets the run-time option name to value as if -Dname=value was specified on the Java command line, as an environment variable, or in the cblconfig or etp_deploy_settings.properties run-time configurations files. |
-run ebcdic_codepage=<number> |
Adds a run-time parameter for the EBCDIC codepage that will be used if the 'collateAsEBCDIC' flag (can be seen below) is up. <number> can be either 037 or 277. These numbers match exactly collation sequences:
If a different codepage number is provided, 037 will be used as default. Note that there is a slight difference between Codepage037 and SQL_EBCDIC037_CP1_CS_AS. This is true for codepage 277 as well. |
-file:shareallothers |
Default share: SHARING ALL OTHER |
-file:sharenoother |
Default share: SHARING NO OTHER |
-file:sharereadonly |
Default share: SHARING READ ONLY |
-file:sharenone |
Default share: no default/explicit sharing |
-file:$infilename |
dollar symbol ($) may be part of file name |
-cache:auto | enable | disable | forbid | smart | external -cache:0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 -cache:external:section-type |
Enable or disable various forms of group and element value caching. Disable cache is the default which means element values are fetched from the COBOL section memory (e.g., working storage, linkage section, etc.) when referenced and saved when changed. Other settings will cache those values in Java objects and invalidate/flush the values when necessary. Based on the usage and frequency of REDEFINES, OCCURS, OCCURS DEPENDING ON and access/modification of groups and elements within groups you may find that different caching algorithms (enable 1, forbid 3, smart 4) may perform better in certain instances. Using external 5 will cause memory allocation to be performed outside the Java heap. This has two effects, larger programs may benefit by having their working-storage and other sections allocated in the non-JVM garbage-collected heap usually reserved for OS malloc() and free() memory allocation and, when used with UNSAFE calling convention, it allows for persistent (non changing) pointers to COBOL variables to be passed to C-libraries invoked from COBOL. Setting auto attempts to determine the best for your program. Indicating a :section-name will enable that cache setting only for that section-type (wrk, lnk, fil, etc.). |
-sql:extendedset |
Add support for SET :hostvar = ... |
-sql:off |
Disable SQL Support. Abends on SQL statements |
-sql:len |
Set SQL VARYING stub len to param (len) |
-sql:txt |
Set SQL VARYING stub txt to param (arr) |
-sql:next |
SQL JDBC/DB2 next() workaround |
-sql:db2 |
SQL IBM JDBC/DB2 workarounds |
-sql:postgres |
SQL workarounds for Postgres. Automatically converting statements where possible from DB2 syntax to Postgres syntax. |
-sql:mssql |
SQL workarounds for Microsoft SQL Server, specifically define cursors as scroll type SENSITIVE if they are also UPDATABLE because MS SQL Server disallows the combination of INSENSITIVE and UPDATABLE. |
-sql:cro |
Use JDBC CONCUR_READ_ONLY for the concurrency setting when defining cursors (default UPDATABLE cursors) |
-sql:ta |
SQL Transaction Adjust |
-sql:sc |
SQL Server handles Concat (||) |
-sql:it |
SQL Ignore Right Truncation |
-sql:jdbc level |
JDBC level to which to generate JDBC API methods (level: 1, 2, 3, 4) |
-sql:sp name |
Generate SQL Stored Procedure of type name. db2 only supported at this time. |
-sql:spschema name |
Schema of the stored procedure. Used at compile time stored procedure validation against the database. This parameter is optional, as the -sql:user will be used as the default. |
-sql:spname name |
Name of the stored procedure. Used at compile time stored procedure validation against the database. This parameter is required for COBOL stored procedure compiles. |
-sql:logmode NO|YES |
SQL Logging (NO, YES) |
-sql:groupmode |
SQL group items treated as single item |
-sql:nogroupmode |
SQL group items treated as multiple items |
-sql:nowarn |
SQL Warning not obtained from JDBC |
-sql:declarestatic |
SQL DECLARE CURSOR always static |
-sql:declaredynamic |
SQL DECLARE CURSOR dynamic when possible (default) |
-sql:opt |
Pass SQL option, -sql:opt ? for dump |
-sql:mode ANSI|ORACLE|DB2 |
SQL Process statements and return results in given parameter mode (ANSI, ORACLE, DB2). DB2 mode simulates DB2 for z/OS on other databases such that error DB2 SQLCODEs are translated from SQLSTATEs and SAVEPOINT-protected INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements do not abort transactions upon error |
-sql:cc NO|YES |
SQL Close on Commit to parameter (YES, NO) |
-sql:eof |
SQL END OF FETCH value (100,1403) |
-sql:unsafenull NO|YES |
SQL Unsafe Null (NO,YES) |
-sql:picx |
-sql:url |
Check SQL syntax against database URL (e.g., jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydb) |
-sql:user |
Check SQL syntax against database USER (e.g., postgres) |
-sql:password |
Check SQL syntax against database PASSWORD (e.g., mypw) |
-sql:driver |
Check SQL syntax against database DRIVER (e.g., org.postgresql.Driver) |
-sql:optindextimestamp <param>
Optimize Oracle TIMESTAMPs that are INDEXED. The parameter is a comma separated list of TIMESTAMP col to be optimized |
-sql:protect_include <param> |
Protect SQL with an autosave and rollback in case of exception. Param values can be
ProgramName,SectionName,ParaName,SQL statement sequence # SectionName,ParaName,SQL statement sequence # ParaName,SQL statement sequence # For e.g.: -sql:protect_include ALL -sql:protect_include UPDATE -sql:protect_include DROP -sql:protect_include program1,sectionA,paraB,4 -sql:protect_include paraC,4
-sql:protect_exclude <param> |
Protect SQL with an autosave and rollback in case of exception except for the indicated params Its supports the following params:
For e.g.: -sql:protect_exclude SQLCODES -204,305 Do not allow rollback for sqlcodes -204 and 305 e.g: -sql:protect_include ALL -sql:protect_exclude SQLCODES -305,456 The above two directives will ensure rollback for all sql exceptions except for -304 and 456 Note that one can specify the directive at the environment level by passing the following vm args |
-sql:statemapperclass <param>
The parameter is a classname of a class that implements the mapping of SQLCODE/SQLSTATE and Messages between DB. e.g. Oracle and DB2 when migrating from DB2 though the Oracle code/states/messages need to be DB2 This can be a sparse mapping such that only specific mappings need be specified com.heirloomcomputing.ecs.exec.SqlStatesFileMapper is an implementation of this class that supports the mappings via a TSV input file |
-sql:hourglass |
Instruct compiler to use Intrinsic functions when CURRENT TIME/DATE/TIMESTAMP is used |
-sql:identityinfo |
Specify Tables and corresponding Identity Columns For e.g.: -sql:identityinfo tableA:colA -sql:identityinfo tableB:colB -sql:identityinfo tableA:colA,tableB:colB,tableC:colC |
-sql:dateformat <param> |
where param is of the various date formats such as dd/mm/yyyy Used to specify date format for IBM DB2 CHAR function during compilation |
-sql:returncodezero |
Setting this flag will cause the compiler to generate code that will set the COBOL RETURN-CODE to 0 after a non error SQL statement execution. |
-listing:xml |
Listing file XML form to programid.xml |
-listing:body |
Listing file XML includes source body |
-listing:define |
Listing file XML includes 'define' tag |
-listing:file |
Listing file set to mainfile.list |
-listing:cross |
Listing file includes cross-reference |
-listing:vbref |
Listing file cross-reference includes verbs |
-listing:info |
Listing file cross-reference includes info lines |
-listing:all |
Listing file cross-reference includes all options |
-listing:dir |
Listing files output directory |
-cp pathlist |
Use parameter as classpath during Java compile |
-opt:large |
Optimize for extremely large (> 100KLOC) input files |
-opt:break n |
Implies -opt:large. Break up output Java classes every n lines instead of the default 10000 |
-opt:break para |
Implies -opt:large. Break up output Java classes every COBOL paragraph. Output classes are also named after the paragraph name. |
-opt:break section |
Implies -opt:large. Break up output Java classes every COBOL procedure division section. Output classes are also named after the section name. |
-opt:initialize |
(Default) Generates a optimized version of the initialize statement. A single java initialize statement is created corresponding to each COBOL initialize statement for group fields |
-opt:noinitialize |
Generates a non optimized version of the initialize statement. Multiple java initialize statements is created corresponding to each COBOL initialize statement for group fields |
Fine tune the number of static initializer per java class. The default is 5000. This option allows adjustment of that number. Alternatively -opt:large will provide a fix that will scale with program growth. Static initialize java elements are used for constants, level 88s and other constant data types |
-opt:nostaticconstantcount |
Reset the maximum number of static initializers to 5000, the default. |
-opt:occurs |
Optimize OCCURS arrays (tables) such that no Java array is actually generated, but simulated as an object with getters and setters. This is faster for sparse arrays, i.e., large OCCURS x TIMES where x is large but only a few of the elements are actually used. Also required when redefining a table and subsequent indexes are out-of-bounds. |
-opt:nooccurs |
Generate COBOL OCCURS arrays (tables) as Java arrays (default). |
-opt:keepunusedvars |
Do generate unused group and element variables in the Java output |
-opt:deleteunusedvars |
Do not generate unused group and element variables in the Java source code (default) |
By default COBOL programs use the ASCII collating sequence to do string comparisons, in this mode "1" < "a". This flag sets the compiled program to use the EBCDIC collating sequence which means that "1" > "a". Alternatively it is possible to use the COBOL configuration section to set this collating sequence, this also gives more options to provide custom collating sequences. configuration section. |
Elastic COBOL Runtime Options
These have been moved to their own article Heirloom COBOL Runtime Options