
Instances Portlet

The Instances Portlet of the Heirloom Dashboard contains information about your production deployed applications and your development environments (Elastic COBOL) running in the cloud. your user id or (if you're a group administrator) all the users in your group. Access the dashboard through > Sign In > Dashboard


The portlet details the cloud-based production application instances currently running or recently terminated.  You can act upon the instances by right-clicking on any one of them and selecting from the menu.  Hold the shift or control key down as you left-click various rows and then right-click the group to display statistics for the instance collection.  The variety and number of options depends upon the collection and the Instance Status.  From these menus you can, 

  • Show Web Page - Brings up a new browser window with the application's home page displayed.  Depending upon how you have configured your application this may be either a secure (https) or unsecure (http) static page, a dynamic COBOL application running within the Servlet Container on the instance or gateway to a CICS transaction running in a J2EE Application Server on the instance.  You can also access the Batch Job scheduler and JCL interpreter executing your production background applications through your instance's user interface.
  • Show Statistics - Brings up the Statistics Portlet containing a number of  useful statistics for your instance or group of instances
    • Show CPU Utilization - the current and past CPU load (in CPU percentage) for the instance.
    • Show CPU Utilization (range) - the minimum, maximum and average CPU load.
    • Show Network Usage - the current and past network output (in total bytes) being handled by the instance.
    • Show Network Usage (range) - the minimum, maximum and average Network Usage.
    • Show Response Time - for secure (https) applications with statistics tracking enabled, display the average response time seen by end-users of your application.
    • Show Response Time (range) - the minimum, maximum and average Response Time
    • Show Requests (range) - the minimum, maximum and average Web requests (by number and data size) issued by your users
    • Show Responses (range) - the minimum, maximum and average Web pages (by number and data size) generated to your users
  • Show Data Volumes - Displays the Data Volumes Portlet for a single instance with its single data volume attached to it.
  • Show History - Displays the History Portlet containing detailed logging as to what events have been seen by this instance (start, stop, pause, volume allocation, backup).
  • Protect / Unprotect Instance - Protects (or unprotects) an instance from accidental termination.  Protect instances of production applications to ensure your group members do not attempt to suspend them.
  • Pause / Unpause Instance - Suspend a running instance (or restart it) and put it in a state for easy restart.  Use Pause to force logoff of all current users while allowing it to restart quickly (Unpause).  CPU charges are not incurred for paused instances.
  • Reboot Instance - Reset a running application.  Similar to Pause/Unpause.
  • Terminate Instance - For those unprotected instances, shut them down immediately.  The persistent data persists and instances can be restarted from the  Data Volumes Portlet.
Click on the links in the upper right hand corner of the portlet to change or refresh the view.  
  • icon-minimize.png minimize the view.  You can drag and drop the view to reposition it on the dashboard
  • icon-refresh.png refresh the list of instances
  • icon-select.png select (2 buttons) either instances associated with your Heirloom or Elastic COBOL login ID or your group's if you are a group administrator
  • icon-close.png close the portlet.  You can reopen by right-clicking anywhere on the page and choosing Show Instances from the menu
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