
Data Volumes Portlet

The Data Volumes Portlet of the Heirloom Dashboard contains information about the data being used by your production deployed applications and your development projects (Elastic COBOL) running in the cloud. The volumes are shown that are allocated to your user id and (if you're a group administrator) all the volumes in your group. Access the dashboard through > Sign In > Dashboard


The portlet details the cloud-based production application persistent data volumes allocated to you or (if you are a group administrator) your memebers' volumes.  You can perform actions on an individual volume by right-clicking on any one of them and selecting from the menu.  From this menu you can, 

  • Show Backups - Display the Backup Calendar Portlet for this volume.  Only volumes that have been backed up will allow this menu item.
  • Backup Volume - If your subscription includes Enterprise Backup and Retention you have automatic backup happening hourly, daily, weekly and/or monthly.  This option allow you to take an immediate backup of a persistent data volume that is in use (by a currently running instance) or one which is unmounted.  Backup tapes can be restored to new instances (based on instance concurrency limits of your subscription) at a later time through the Backup Calendar Portlet.
  • Rename Volume - Allows administrators to rename volumes belonging to their group.  Names must be globally unique as they are used as part of the DNS name of running application instances. For example, a volume named myapp will be assigned the DNS name and Web applications addressed with
  • Delete Volume - Asks a confirmation of whether you would like to remove this persistent drive containing your deployed application programs their database and application files ( or development environment and source files (  All data is removed, but backups for the volume remain for a time and can be restored by a system administrator.  Volumes currently in-use by application instances cannot be removed.  Use the Instance Portlet to terminate instances before deleting their volume.
  • Protect / Unprotect Volume - Protects (or unprotects) a persistent data volume from accidental deletion.  Protect data volumes of production applications to ensure your group members do not attempt to remove them.
  • Start Instance - For volumes that are not currently in use, start a new instance with this application program and data.  Your subscription must have a level of concurrency that supports multiple instance allocation.  A group administrator may start an instance on behalf of a member and it runs under that member's security context.  You may also use the portal to start production application instances and connect to them and the portal to start development environments in the cloud.
  • Show History - Displays the History Portlet containing detailed logging as to what events have been handled by this volume (creation, mounting, backup).
Click on the links in the upper right hand corner of the portlet to change or refresh the view.  
  • icon-minimize.png minimize the view.  You can drag and drop the view to reposition it on the dashboard
  • icon-refresh.png refresh the list of volumes
  • icon-select.png select (2 buttons) either volumes specific to your Heirloom or Elastic COBOL login ID or your group's if you are a group administrator
  • icon-close.png close this portlet.  You can reopen by right-clicking anywhere on the page and choosing Show Data Volumes from the menu
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