
JCL Language Reference Manual

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The Heirloom Computing Job Control Language syntax accepted by the interpreter within Heirloom Computing EBP is described below in extended Bachus-Naur form and syntax "railroad" diagrams.


  1. job
  2. jobstart
  3. inlineproc
  4. stepstart
  5. step
  6. card
  7. includemember
  8. memberstart
  9. catalogedproc
  10. commentcard
  11. nullcard
  12. comment
  13. jobcard
  14. jobname
  15. jobpositional
  16. jobacct
  17. acctitem
  18. jobprogrammer
  19. jobkeywords
  20. jobclass
  21. jobexectime
  22. jobmsgclass
  23. jobmsglevel
  24. jobnotify
  25. jobtyprun
  26. jobcond
  27. jobconditions
  28. jobcondition
  29. jobaddrspc
  30. jobbytes
  31. jobcards
  32. joblines
  33. jobpages
  34. jobexecddccsid
  35. jobexecmemlimit
  36. jobuser
  37. jobpassword
  38. jobprty
  39. jobrd
  40. jobregion
  41. jobschenv
  42. jobrestart
  43. schedulecard
  44. schedparm
  45. scheddate
  46. execcard
  47. stepname
  48. execwhat
  49. execkeywords
  50. execpgm
  51. execproc
  52. execparm
  53. execparmitem
  54. execacct
  55. execaddrspc
  56. execdynamnbr
  57. execperform
  58. execrd
  59. execregion
  60. execrlstmout
  61. execcond
  62. conditions
  63. condition
  64. reloper
  65. priorstepname
  66. procstepname
  67. ddcard
  68. ddimmediate
  69. inlinedata1
  70. ild1
  71. inlinedata2
  72. ild2
  73. ddname
  74. ddkeywords
  75. dddsn
  76. dsnpart
  77. dsnfixed
  78. dsnvariable
  79. pdsgdgpart
  80. dddisp
  81. dddispstatus
  82. dddispnormal
  83. dddispabnormal
  84. ddsysout
  85. ddsysoutchr
  86. ddoutput
  87. dd1output
  88. dddcb
  89. dddcboption
  90. dcbprotocols
  91. dcbprotocol
  92. dcboptcd
  93. dcbrkp
  94. ddspace
  95. ddspaceextra
  96. ddspacerlse
  97. ddspacecontig
  98. ddspaceround
  99. ddspacealloc
  100. ddvolume
  101. volser
  102. volref
  103. ddbufno
  104. ddstorclass
  105. ddunit
  106. ddcntl
  107. cntlgroup
  108. cntllabel
  109. cntldatalable
  110. cntldata
  111. cntldataline
  112. ddaccode
  113. ddampcode
  114. ddavgrec
  115. ddblksize
  116. ddblkszlm
  117. ddburst
  118. ddchars
  119. ddchkpt
  120. ddcopies
  121. dddataclas
  122. dddest
  123. dddlm
  124. ddsym
  125. dddsid
  126. dddsntype
  127. ddeattr
  128. ddexpdt
  129. ddfcb
  130. ddfiledata
  131. ddflash
  132. ddfree
  133. ddhold
  134. ddkeylabl
  135. ddkeyencd
  136. ddkeylen
  137. ddkeyoff
  138. ddlabel
  139. labels
  140. label
  141. ddlgstream
  142. ddlike
  143. ddlrecl
  144. ddmgmtclas
  145. ddmodify
  146. ddoutlim
  147. ddpath
  148. ddpathdisp
  149. ddpathmode
  150. pathmode
  151. ddpathopt
  152. pathopt
  153. ddprotect
  154. yesno
  155. ddqname
  156. ddrecfm
  157. dddsorg
  158. ddrecorg
  159. ddrefdd
  160. refdd
  161. ddretpd
  162. ddrls
  163. ddsecmodel
  164. ddsegment
  165. ddspin
  166. ddsubsys
  167. ddterm
  168. dducs
  169. jcllibcard
  170. libname
  171. jcllib
  172. optionalproccard
  173. proccard
  174. procname
  175. procnameval
  176. nameval
  177. name
  178. execnameval
  179. nonexecname
  180. parenlist
  181. value
  182. pendcard
  183. optname
  184. outputcard
  185. outputname
  186. outnameval
  187. routedirective
  188. setcard
  189. setname
  190. setnameval
  191. includecard
  192. ifcontin
  193. ifthencard
  194. elsecard
  195. endifcard
  196. ifexpr
  197. andorexpr
  198. relexpr
  199. booloper
  200. anyexpr
  201. quotedstring
  202. anything
  203. idres
  204. idnonexprres
  205. idresint
  206. idresvar
  207. idresintvar
  208. intvar
  209. intidres
  210. idintvar
  211. ID
  212. variable
  213. comma
  214. reserved
  215. nonexprreserved
  216. execreserved
  217. exprreserved
  218. nonexecreserved
  219. INT
  220. NEWLINE
  221. WS
  225. SPECIAL
  226. INTL


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