This article will walk you through installing the JCA adaptor into Websphere 8.5. It assumes you installed Websphere into the default location. While this article targets Windows deployments the core concepts are the same on other platforms.
Create a folder to contain the runtime libraries that the JCA adapter uses, for this example a directory in the default Websphere folder is used:
- C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedAssets
Copy the following files to this directory,they will be reference when we install the JCA adaptor:
- ecobol.jar
- etrans.jar
- geronimo-security-3.0.0.jar
In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console navigate to the Resources menu item, expand 'Resource adaptors' and click the 'Resource adaptors' link:
Click 'Install RAR' and then select the HCIETPJCA.rar file:
Click 'Next':
Add the following to the Class path (adjust depending on where you installed the run time libraries):
Click 'OK' to save the Resource Adaptor definition:
Click the 'Save' link to write this setting to the master configuration.
Click the menu link 'J2C connection factories' on the left menu pane:
Click 'New...':
Ensure the provider is set to the Heirloom Computing ETP JCA Adaptor. Enter a name and JNDI name for your connection pool, then click 'Ok' to save the Connection pool.
Click the 'Save' link to write this setting to the master configuration.
Click the connection pool you just created to return to the screen above and then click 'Custom properties' on the right hand side:
Set each of the custom values as required. Your values will probably differ from the ones above slightly (hostname, username and password on the remote system for example).
After you modify each custom value, click the 'Save' link to write this setting to the master configuration.
Once you have completed this configuration you should stop and restart your Websphere server to allow all the changes to take effect.
You are now ready to deploy a client that can use the JCA adapter and an EJB that it can call.
The attached code ( represents an example servlet that can be created to call the JCA Adapter using a Connection pool with a JNDI name of 'HCI_POOL'