
Cloud Foundry / Pivotal Web Services Deployment.

To deploy a simple Elastic COBOL application to Cloud Foundry, no special services are needed.  The only trick is to package your license file along with the application files into the executable jar.


  1. Create a COBOL project in Eclipse

  2. Export project using Elastic COBOL Deploy Wizard.  Make sure to specify the location of your license file as it will be packaged along with the rest of your app:

  3. Specify the main class to execute on next panel

  4. Create Pivotal Web Services account at  logon do the dashboard and create an org to deploy to (ex. heirloom)

  5. Download a cf CLI tool, and connect to the develoopment space of your account
    cf login -a

  6. Push application to CF
    cf push heirloom -p heirloomcf.jar
  7. Check Logs
    cf logs heirloom

  8. Here's the view from web console

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