
Use LookUp features in the COBOL Editor

The Elastic COBOL editor provides features that assist in the look up of program defined data variables, files as well as paragraph names. Using these features the user can quickly navigate to the definition of a data variable or paragraph.

To use this feature the user should hold down the <Ctrl> key and hover over the COBOL identifier. The editor will run a quick check and verify if the mouse is hovering over a valid identifier. If it is valid the cursor will change into a hand icon and the word will be underlined as well as have a blue foreground color. Below the underlined text a menu option is provided to the user. The menu options provided are

"Open Declaration"  

"Open Declaration..."


Which of the first two options is presented depends on the source file opened in the editor and its usage within the workspace.

The third option of Workset=>... allows the user to use a previously selected program thereby eliminating the need to repeat the process.

Capture.JPG   Capture.JPG


The Elastic COBOL editor runs a check to verify whether the identifier being referenced is in a main source file or copy book.

If the identifier is referenced inside a main source file, then the editor will check for the definition of the identifier in that program. In this case the user is presented with the "Open Declaration" menu option. Selecting this option will activate the search and upon successful completion the defining source file is opened and the line of declaration is shown highlighted.

If the identifier is referenced inside a copybook, then the editor will scan the entire Workspace for possible inclusion's of the copybook in various programs.  If only a single program references the copybook then the same option as before is presented. If multiple programs are found to reference the copybook, the user is presented with the "Open Declaration..." menu option. Selecting this option will present the user with a dialog window to select a program that should be used in the search. The dialog also provides a checkbox [Use as Workset] which allows the user to make the current selection as the working set   which can be referred to later directly without having to come back to this dialog.


Selecting the program will cause the dialog window to close and the search to start.

The Elastic COBOL editor maintains a history of the various files/lines that the user navigates (data elements or copybooks). If the user wishes to return to a previous file/line then use the right click menu option and select the "Return" menu. If no more history is available then this option is disabled. Closing the Workspace will clear out the history. 


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