
How to use Breakpoint Triggers

Breakpoint Triggers are supported in Eclipse IDE beginning version 4.7 (Oxygen) and Elastic COBOL release 18.11.19

Use the Breakpoint properties window to define the selected breakpoint as a trigger point.

Once a trigger is set, all the other breakpoints are initially suppressed and will be hit only after any of the trigger points has been hit.
All the triggers are disabled after a trigger point is hit and will be re-enabled after the run or can be reset manually.

Icons: Triggers will be rendered with an overlay of "T" and the breakpoints suppressed by the triggers will be rendered with an overlay of "T" with a cut.

Line 17 in the fig below shows a regular breakpoint icon (No triggers in effect in the workspace):


Line 17 in the fig below shows a breakpoint set as a trigger point. Note the ('T') in the icon overlay


Line 14 in the fig below shows a breakpoint suppressed by a trigger set on line 17. Note the ('T') with a cut in the icon overlay

Note: Triggers which are essentially a feature of Eclipse Java breakpoints suppress Java and derived breakpoints (Elastic COBOL/ PLI) thru the entire Workspace. Hence setting a trigger in either Java or Elastic COBOL/PLI application will cause all other non trigger breakpoints in Java or Elastic COBOL/PLI applications throughout the Workspace to be suppressed. Thus one has to remove all triggers in order to remove the suppression behavior on breakpoints. 

Trigger points can be removed individually thru the breakpoint properties dialog or by using the context pop up menu in the Breakpoint view as shown below:

Selecting the "Remove All Triggers" will cause the breakpoints set as triggers to revert to normal breakpoints and remove the suppression on other breakpoints.


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