
EBP Console UI/API

EBP Console API

Ebp API services and description can be found in Swagger 


In order to enable basic authentication for EBP API, we need to change ebp property


to be

ebp.apisecurity=on (default value is off)


GDG Files configuration

In order to get successful visualization of GDG files in the UI, the following configuration needs to be applied after EBP is successfully deployed on the server.

1. Database driver should be copied in Tomcat/lib folder in the client environment.

2. In the ebp directory add a file named with the following content. Do not forget to replace example values with actual connection details to the client database.

sql.file.password=<postgres-password> (ex. postgres)
sql.file.url=<jdbc-driver-connection>  (ex. jdbc\:postgresql\://localhost:5432/postgres)
sql.file.user=<postgres-user> (ex. postgres)

3. After Tomcat restart all GDG files should be listed in http://<url>/ebp/ui/gdgs


EBP Console User Interface

EBP Admin Console can be accessed from Elastic Batch Platform UI. It is opened after hyperlink Admin Console is clicked.


Currently we support two actions which are available from the menu in the upper left corner.


Job Viewer


Job List - the view is showing all the jobs that are active/have been active in EBP. More information about how to execute jobs in EBP is available in.

  • Filtering - filtering is available in order to find job of interest. Enter the name of wanted job and press enter in order to submit filter query. Filtering is available for all
  • Job details - more information about the job is available after clicking on the job row. User can access OUT, ERR Log, Queues and more detailed information per step.mceclip4.png
        • Change destination - There is possibility for changing destination if the job allows it.




        • Download files - All files that are generated during the execution of the job can be downloaded by selecting the step and using download button as can be seen on the screen shot below. The file contents will be displayed under the download button. Note that there is a limit to the size of the file that can be displayed and it is controlled by the 
          ebp.previewsizekbs property. By default it will display up to 10 KBs of file and it will notify the user when the limit has been reached. Note that huge files will negatively affect the browser performance.


Jobs actions

  • Purge - we can purge jobs that are in status TERMINATED or CANCELED. We can only purge on job at a time. 
  • Start - enabled for jobs that have status HELD. We can only start one job at a time
  • Hold - enabled for jobs that have status QUEUED. We can only hold one job at time.
  • Cancel - enabled for jobs that have status RUNNING, HELD, QUEUED, RUNNING, SUSPENDED, LEAVE
  • Kill - enabled for jobs that have status RUNNING. It is running taskkill or kill -9 for a process depending on the OS
  • Change - enabled for jobs that have status HELD or QUEUED. After clicked a dialog is showed that allows us to change job's class, disposition and priority. We can only change one job at a time.


GDG Files

  1. GDG (Generation Data Group) Files - showing all available GDG files. Information available for every GDG file is dataset name, generation limit, record length, user that updated it last and last updated date.
    • Filtering - filtering is available in order to find file of interest. Enter the name of wanted file and press enter in order to submit filter query.mceclip2.png
    • Selection - If a file is selected, a dialog is opened, which shows all file revisions together with their creation date. Deletion of revision is a specific revision is still not implemented. In order to close the window click anywhere out of the dialog box.image__5_.png

EBP Console Logging

The EBP Console provides a visual monitoring of the current EBP operations. If you want to log the EBP console messages that appear there in a separate file you need to change the file. The logging related properties have been described in the table below.


Parm Description Value
ebp.loglocation The location of the log file of the EBP Console messages

The full path must be specified. Example:


If the path is not specified the default value is the EBP home directory and the file created would be called ebp.output.log

ebp.loglocationpattern The location and the pattern of the archive logs. The default logs are archived daily

The full path and the archive pattern must be specified. Example:


If the path is not specified the default value is the EBP home directory and the pattern is the same as in the example above

ebp.logsize The logsize limit after which it is exceeded the log will be archived and a new log file will be created The current default value is 20MB.
ebp.logebpconsolemsg This property controls whether the EBP Console messages are logged at all The two possible values are no/yes. Not that the value is no by default


Deep linking issue when we try to refresh Angular pages

Deep linking issue is when you hit the deep links inside the angular application (http://localhost:8080/ebp/ui/jobs and http://localhost:8080/ebp/ui/gdgs), but the server returns 404 instead of the angular screens. 

If after EBP war deployment, direct links do not work, manual changes need be done to Tomcat server.


1. We need to edit Tomcat's server.xml by adding the Valve tag within <Host> tag.

 <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.rewrite.RewriteValve" />

2. A file with name rewrite.config should be added in <tomcat main directory>conf/Catalina/<host> folder) that would ensure rewriting of the urls always point to the main Angular home URL. Be careful when doing this configuration because that would mean that every request will be redirected using the defined rule.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_PATH} !-f
RewriteRule ^/ebp/ui/(.*) /ebp/dashboard.html
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