
Getting Started: EBP User Applications And Database Integration

Before starting with configuring database integration and usage of custom Java applications, make sure you got familiar with and have completed 


IMPORTANT: The guide assumes that there is alread a running database instance present.


EBP Required Jars

EBP requires certain Java Applications Jars, i.e. COBOL runtime (ecobol.jar), JDBC driver (that depends on the client database - DB2, Postgres, MS SQL)


COBOL Runtime

In order to enable Cobol runtime for EBP, you need to follow the steps described below:
1. Search for the COBOL runtime by doing the following, type ecobol.jar in the search box:


2. Right click an Open file location

3. Right click and copy the ecobol.jar
4. Open C:\ebp\class (or the configured EBP class directory) and paste the ecobol.jar into the folder



JDBC Drivers

There are two options to provide JDBC drivers to EBP: by putting it into Tomcat lib folder or adding it as EBP class library.

JDBC drivers in Tomcat lib directory

The currently supported databases are MSSQL, DB2 and PostgreSQL. Please find the appropriate JDBC driver and copy it to the Tomcat lib directory.
IMPORTANT: Only one JDBC driver should be copied to the Tomcat lib directory as multiple drivers could lead to unexpected errors. 


JDBC drivers as EBP class lib

1. Open EBP UI, find Configure EBP section and click here to add the DB drivers to EBP - for this example we will use DB2 drivers,


2. Press Save
3. Showing the configuration again shows the db2jcc4 driver successfully referenced.


Adding Application Jar to EBP

If you need an application jar that would allow execution of custom cobol programs, created using Elastic cobol wizard. They need to be explicitly added to EBP.

The production application jar can be the very last in the search order of classlib.



Define Aliases

Sometimes the program that is in the client's jar is in a specific package. The Elastic Cobol created jars have their java classes in the default package level. If the program has been moved/created to a specific package and it needs to be called from EBP it needs to be defined in the ALIAS configuration. Replace the dots in the full package path with forward slashes.

The alias could be used in an JCL EXEC statement.


IMPORTANT: It is not necessary for the ALIAS to have the same name as the program (EXEC HELLO will call HELLOPROGRAM)


Configure Database For DCB and EBP Object Store


The data control block (DCB) provides the system with information about the characteristics and processing requirements of a data set to be read or written by the channel program. The EBP system uses this information to correctly handle the files used by the COBOL program. The information is stored in the database (provided by the user) in specific tables that are created automatically by EBP.
Object Store.


EBP Object Store

The object store persists the EBP internal information regarding jobs, initiators and outputs.
The system will create the appropriate tables when configured. It is highly recommended to use the database object store as the alternative is XML based file that is created in the EBP home directory.


Configuring the database connection for DCBDB and Object Store

The database connection information can be seen at the bottom of the Configure EBP paragraph.

IMPORTANT: If you provide incorrect information the functionality will not work.

1. To enable the storing of DCB information, click on the DCB Table mode dropdown box and select Yes.

2. Do the same for the Enable database object store dropdown menu.

3. Write the URL to the database (don’t add escape characters) and select the appropriate driver.
The URL,driver, user and password field are mandatory so please fill them correctly. The tableEXT field is a suffix that is added to the created tables so the same database can be used for multiple instances of the EBP system.
Below is a simple example of the configuration:



IMPORTANT: The password to the database is not stored when the user has used the restore configuration function of EBP. You need to retype the password for the database connection again.

After configuration and starting up the EBP, the system will create new tables in the database if they are missing. Please check and make sure that they are present

Tables created:


* means that this could be the user defined suffix


Configuring the database connection for cobol runtime

In order to use the DCBDB for the cobol runtime (a rare but possible occurrence) you need to:

1. Create a simple file and fill it with the correct information:

Example (file name - cobconfig):


2. Save the file (the name is not important) and edit the file to point towards it:

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