
Quick reference for machines without internet access

While there are several articles discussing proxy mode/offline license in detail this is intended to be a quick reference of the steps necessary to license a machine that's behind a firewall.

This article assumes you have either a working license file or a new one with just your subscription id and email address in it.

Commands to be run are in italics/bold


  1. Copy HCILicensing.jar to the 'firewalled' machine.
  2. (on the firewalled machine) java -jar HCILicensing.jar -p hcecblrts (expect an error here)

  3. (on the firewalled machine) java -jar HCILicensing.jar -x sendthisfile.txt
  4. Copy the file 'sendthisfile.txt' to a machine that is not behind a firewall
  5. (on the non firewalled machine) java -jar HCILicensing.jar -f sendthisfile.txt -p hcecblrts 
  6. Copy the file 'sendthisfile.txt' to back to the 'firewalled' machine
  7. (on the firewalled machine) java -jar HCILicensing.jar -i sendthisfile.txt

To confirm the license is now good you can (on the firewalled machine) run java -jar HCILicensing.jar -p hcecblrts -l which will indicate the license was not checked, and when it will be. Example output:

License not checked against server
Product: hcecblrts
License Server Will Be Checked: 2016-04-12 17:51:45
Queued Transaction Count: 0


Note for computers that have internet access but must pass through a password protected proxy server, perhaps a router, you may need to specify additional Java JVM parameters to allow HCILicensing.jar to access the Heirloom Computing License server.  Your network administrator can supply the proxyHost name or IP address, the proxyPort port number on the router, the proxyUser id and proxyPassword assigned to you or your organization.  Place these on your command line,

java -Dhttps.proxyUser=ian -Dhttps.proxyPassword=ian -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost
        -Dhttps.proxyPort=808 -jar HCILicensing.jar -p hcecblrts -r


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  • 0

    Could our license need to be reset?
    I may have done these steps too many times, and/or fumbled some previous attempts.
    Here is what occurs when trying to follow the steps in:

    The first two HCILicensing steps on the firewalled machine result in the following.
    The above site says to expect an error on the first step.

    $ java -jar HCILicensing.jar -p hcecblrtsdep
    HCI906E Unable to verify your Heirloom Computing subscription at - communication error 'connect timed out'
    $ java -jar HCILicensing.jar -x sendthisfile.txt
    License Export is OK

    This is what occurs on the non-firewalled machine. I think this error is unexpected.
    The sendthisfile.txt file does not get modified in any way by this step.

    W:\work2>java -jar HCILicensing.jar -f sendthisfile.txt -p hcecblrtsdep
    HCI902E Failed checking Heirloom Computing subscription (Error 07).
    Unable to verify the identity of this system (00-50-56-A2-34-8F) because of a mi
    ssing signature.
    You may have restored your license properties file or it is not writable.
    Request a license reset at <a href="

    Check <a href="
    Error-Messages#ERROR07">here</a> for more information about licensing errors

    This is the result of the step #7 of the above site:

    $ java -jar HCILicensing.jar -i sendthisfile.txt
    License Import is OK

    This is the result of the verification step.
    $ java -jar HCILicensing.jar -p hcecblrtsdep -l
    Heirloom Computing, Inc. Licensing-as-a-Service
    Cloud Based License and Transaction System

    License not checked against server
    Product: hcecblrtsdep
    License Server Check Past Due: 2017-03-11 15:42:17

    This is an attempt to run an ecobol program.

    $java -cp /workspace/ecobol/runtime/ecobol.jar:/workspace/ecobol/ecobol_project-save/.executable filetest
    Elastic COBOL Runtime Error: HCI906E Unable to verify your Heirloom Computing subscription at - communication error 'connect timed out'
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: HCI906E Unable to verify your Heirloom Computing subscription at - communication error 'connect timed out'
    at com.heirloomcomputing.ecs.exec.Variable.completeInitialization(
    at filetest.<clinit>(



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